Sustainable isn’t enough. Sustainable just maintains the current state of degraded soil. What’s needed is a regenerative agriculture … to restore the soil to the level of nutrients that existed prior to industrial farming.
So Sobeys has discontinued its use of plastic checkout bags as of January 31, 2020. Sobeys claims that this will initially eliminate 225 million of these plastic bags.
I think it started with the squash – I had lots, but no cabbage. I had been learning about making sauerkraut – I wanted to make sauerkraut – but difficult to do without cabbage, wouldn’t you say? And what to do with all that squash?
Here in Manitoba, the opposition NDP have setup a web page to ask Manitobans if they want to continue with our present Daylight Savings practice or change to something else.
ParticipACTION suggests that a healthy adult should be getting over 150 minutes of exercise per week. 300 minutes per week would be even better.
Imagine starting a small fundraising project like a bake sale, lemonade stand or a used clothing drive to raise $1000 for charity and seeing it grow to over 100 shops in less than fifty years, generating $19.2 million annually.
Dang! Now I have to change my mind again. I began my research into the energy efficiency and carbon footprint of different modes of transportation with a preconceived notion. That notion was that rail would be the best. I was wrong.
Surely living sustainably is important. We have a moral obligation to live in a way that passes a habitable planet on to our descendants. Seriously! Were we to take this moral obligation seriously, what would we do differently?
Whether our lifestyles are sustainable gets tested during a time of crisis. Is it possible to live in a way that will prevent chaos and suffering during a major crisis? If it is, you might say we have discovered a non-violent mode of existence.
Some people think that we will always have poor people. Others believe that we can eliminate poverty with a program variously called Guaranteed Basic Income, Basic Income, Living Wage, Minimum Income Guarantee or Universal Basic Income among others.