We pay Federal taxes, Provincial taxes, Municipal taxes, PST, GST, gas tax, alcohol tax and more. In Manitoba, on average, almost 50% of our income goes on taxes yet the politicians always want more.
Spring is about to spring and with it all the migrating birds will be coming back to breed. Many birds nest in cavities – historically holes made by woodpeckers or in rotting trees.
A couple of weeks ago, South Eastman Transition Initiative hosted its first ever “SETI SUPPER”. Some fifty people gathered for a feast of local foods, and it was fantastic.
By now we have all heard that The International Agency for Research in Cancer, an agency of the World Health Organization has classified malathion (and glyphosate ie. Roundup) as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” So what does this mean.
Traditionally, our ancestors would have eaten fresh foods grown locally, even in their own kitchen gardens, only when they were in season.
South Eastman Transition Initiative is working on a project with Steinbach City Council to reduce the amount of organic waste going to landfill.
So what are we to make of our Canadian winters, eh? Last winter was by all accounts the coldest winter we have had in a long time.
Has this winter been good or bad for you? Have you been enjoying the milder temperatures or do you prefer the deep freeze? Are you glad we have had little snow this year or not?
One of the objectives of the South Eastman Transition Initiative is to encourage people to become more self-sufficient.
Yesterday was the worst day of my life thus far. I should have seen it coming, but when it came, it caught me by surprise.