You might be surprised to know that 6,000 years ago… what? 4,000 B.C.?… yes… people in China were preserving cabbage without the use of freezers or even canners.
When you take a walk down Main Street Steinbach, you may notice that something does not feel quite right.
Different cultures eat different greens. Perhaps we all know that, but I want to flesh this out based mostly on observations built over the years that I have been involved at the allotment gardens behind the Steinbach Mennonite Church.
Ah! The lazy, hazy days of summer. On the radio, I heard an interview by Nadia Kidwai on the perfect recipe for a great summer.
I walk our dog every day down our gravel road. Once in a while, for a change of scenery, we go somewhere exotic to stroll.
Back in February 2015, Mark A. Burch facilitated a seminar entitled “Transitioning to Simplicity”.
My wife and I had just been discussing the fact that the ability of oil to do work for us is unparalleled, when I stalled the car at about the 60m mark of our country driveway.
Our culture hates hypocrisy. That’s usually a good thing, but there are times when we’re too quick to judge.
Not long ago I heard of a recently retired senior saying that he was bored with his new life. His complaint was that there are only a limited number of things one can do around the house. I know many seniors who feel this way.
My wife loves to garden. I like to garden. We spend a lot of time in the vegetable garden. She does almost all the brain work and a lot of the brawn work.