Imagine a different Steinbach. Imagine a Steinbach with a parking policy and a culture that expects the driver to pay for the space to park his car!
On Thursday, August 23rd, the South Eastman Transition Initiative sponsored a visit to Sardius Holsteins, an organic dairy farm a few miles south east of Steinbach.
The Manitoba Government is planning to replace the current Sustainable Development Act with new legislation intended to foster green development.
Surely we all are in favour of sustainable development. Not to be on the side of sustainable development means, implicitly, that one is in favour of unsustainable development!
One goal of the Premier’s conference last month was to develop a national energy strategy. That did not happen.
I attended the Ecological and Organic Farming Systems Field Day at Carman last Monday. As in previous years, the plots and the work we were shown was most impressive.
I have no trouble remembering a time when a drought was just that: a drought. Sure, even as we lapped up the sunshine and enjoyed our ice cream, we were concerned about our gardens and the crops our farmer friends were tending.
In 2006 we became aware of The Omnivore’s Dilemma. Even if we did not read the book, author Michael Pollan effectively raised all of our awareness of the implications of our food choices.
Events of the past few weeks have again reinforced the awareness that as a society we are extremely vulnerable to extended electrical power outages.
I have previously written about the phosphate cycle. In nature, plants take up phosphate from the soil, and it becomes a part of plant tissue.