Over the past few years, in every jurisdiction in North America, there has been an increase of theft of precious metals.
For the past several years I have had the opportunity and pleasure to be elected as the co-chair for the U.S. Midwest-Canada Relations Committee.
Over the past few week’s students, both in high school and at the post-secondary education levels, have been engaging in traditions and celebrations to mark the end of this portion of their education.
As Canadians from all parts of the nation celebrate Canada Day, there is much to be thankful for.
In 2009 Manitoba Justice created the Criminal Property Forfeiture Fund. The premise of it was simple.
Late in the evening on Wednesday of last week the spring session of the Manitoba Legislature concluded with many important pieces of legislation passing to either become law or soon to be law.
It has been several years since the Government of Quebec passed Bill 21. The legislation that prohibits some Quebec public servants from wearing religious symbols has been working its way through court challenges but in the court of public opinion in much of Canada, there are still significant concerns for what this means for religious […]
What a difference a year makes. It was only last year that Manitobans were enjoying among the warmest spring and summers in recorded history.
On Friday of last week, the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) issued a ruling that allows for defendants who commit violent crimes after willfully becoming extremely intoxicated to use that extreme level of intoxication as a defence for having committed the crime.
This past week, through the provincial Building Sustainable Communities (BSC) fund, several community projects received financial support that will benefit residents in several ways.