For Manitobans of a certain age, the name Candace Derksen is an immediate and emotional reminder of the young 13-year-old Winnipeg girl who went missing in November 1984 on her way home from school.
This week I will be participating virtually in a national meeting with provincial Minister’s of Justice from all provinces and territories. We will also be joined for part of the discussion by the federal Minister of Justice as well.
Every February, schools and libraries around the province make plans to promote and celebrate “I Love to Read Month.” And every year this special month is given a theme on which activities and reading plans can be built.
This past Tuesday was recognized in Manitoba and in other provinces as RCMP Appreciation Day. It is an annual day that is set aside to thank the men and women of Canada’s national police force.
In one of my first duties as Manitoba’s new Minister of Justice and Attorney General, I was honoured to be able to join the virtual 2022 Mid-Winter Conference of the Manitoba Bar Association (MBA) this past Saturday morning.
On Tuesday, Premier Heather Stefanson changed her provincial cabinet with a number of ministers taking on new roles and some new MLAs being added to the cabinet.
Every year, as part of the provincial budget preparation process, Manitoba Finance and the Minister of Finance reach out to Manitobans seeking their input and their priorities for the coming spring budget.
In these challenging times the focus rightly remains on healthcare and the overall impact of the pandemic on virtually all areas of life.
Over the past two years there have been many disruptions. The one that has been among the most difficult is when schools have not been able to have in-person learning.
With 2022 fast approaching it is time to look ahead at what the year is expected to bring in the Steinbach Constituency. In many ways, the year will see the beginning and completion of projects that are both transformational for the region and long advocated for by local residents.