February is celebrated annually as “I Love To Read Month” in many parts of Canada and the United States. It is a month that is dedicated to reinforcing the importance of literacy at all ages, but particularly to young people.
Recent nationwide blockades which are designed to protest a pipeline in northern British Columbia are having an impact on both the economy and the unity of Canada.
Ensuring that our education system is adequately funded is important, but that doesn’t make it simple. In fact, the way in which our K-12 education system is funded in Manitoba is very complex.
It pays to ask for advice. That has been the result of a unique Manitoba program which asks those closest to the problem to come up with a solution.
In 2002 the former NDP government passed legislation that allowed photo radar to be established at controlled intersections in the City of Winnipeg.
Developing a provincial budget isn’t exactly the same as developing a household budget, but many of the principles are the same.
When the news was breaking last week that a Ukrainian airliner had crashed near Tehran it was heartbreaking – but few could have predicted just how this tragedy across the world would touch so close to home.
The beginning of the new year also saw some new tax measures take effect that will benefit Manitobans.
This past Saturday hundreds of people gathered to honour the life and public service of long-time Hanover Municipal Councillor Bernie Stahn.
The beginning of a new year is an opportunity to look ahead and to make resolutions for the upcoming 12 months. But it is also the time when we often look back at the year just concluded to see what has been accomplished.