Blumenort and Mitchell have just finished holding their annual community events and each were a great success. Both offered community and area residents so much to do and were very family focused.
Residents of southeastern Manitoba know the value of trade to our province and to Canada. It is something I’ve heard many times since being elected MLA for Steinbach and never more so than in recent weeks as the debate about the future of the North American Free Trade Agreement grows.
This past weekend Canadians across our country celebrated Canada’s 151st birthday. For me personally, Canada Day is always an opportunity to reflect on what it means to be Canadian and to be thankful for the freedoms that we enjoy in this country.
As the 2018 school year draws to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of this year’s graduates.
Last weekend, Steinbach hosted its tenth Summer in the City festival, celebrating arts and culture in southeast Manitoba. Together with my wife and son, I enjoyed attending all three days of this great festival.
Last week I had the opportunity to represent Manitoba at the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) International Convention in Boston, Massachusetts.
The annual South Eastman Walk for Alzheimer’s took place in Steinbach on Thursday, raising more than $130,000, province wide.
This week, I was proud to recognize the contributions of Kleefeld’s own, Robb Nash, who was recently named as one of twelve upcoming recipients of the Order of Manitoba.
Over the past two weeks, I attended several fundraising events which highlighted the strong community values that exist in Manitoba.
Over the past several weeks there have been a number of important healthcare related announcements that will help to improve care in our province.