Putting together a provincial budget, not unlike a household budget, is about balancing priorities. There will almost always be more needs or desires than there will be financial ability to meet them.
It seems to be a March tradition in Manitoba that winter provides one last blast of significant snow. This happened again this past week and it means that snow clearing equipment was out in full force on our roads and highways.
The past week may have felt a lot more like the middle of winter, but the spring Legislative session has now begun. One of the first things on the agenda will be the introduction of the 2018/2019 provincial budget on March 12th.
Many medical professions such as doctors and nurses are self-regulated. That means that as a professional body they have their own governing structure that helps to set standards and practices and to ensure that their profession develops.
On Monday, I was pleased to announce more than 120 projects with funding totaling $30 million to help enhance and maintain our health-care facilities across the region and throughout Manitoba.
While it may seem almost expected, it is something that residents of our region should both celebrate and take pride in. Recent statistics show that when it comes to charitable giving, we again have received top honors.
Manitoba’s 2018/19 provincial budget will be unveiled on March 12th. Since being elected to office nearly two years ago, our government has been working hard on making Manitoba the most improved province and bringing our finances back into line.
The continued growth of the City of Steinbach, the RM of Hanover and the surrounding region places significant pressure on a number of areas. In particular, as population increases so does the traffic.
The provincial government is once again offering free park entry for the entire month of February so Manitobans and visitors can enjoy the great outdoors at no cost.
This past week I was pleased to be able to attend the Steinbach Pistons annual “Fire and Ice” fundraising banquet.