Steinbach’s first store was originally situated on the present-day corner of Reimer avenue and Main street. It is now on the main street at Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV).
Have you have ever visited a traditional farmhouse? It probably had a dining area just as big as its living room. There is a reason for that.
In the 1980s it became popular for charities to try to outdo one another by showcasing how little of their funding went to overhead.
A question I commonly hear is, “So now that the summer season is done, I guess the off-season is pretty slow for you at the museum, isn’t it?” The question always makes me chuckle because it assumes there is an “off-season” at Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV).
It was 4:30pm, and the voice quietly reminding me the past few afternoons to make a call, was saying ‘call now’.
Last week I talked about ‘think about such things’ (Philippians 4:8), that reflection on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, and lovely will help us to live the good life, instead of a judgemental life.
As we celebrated Remembrance Day this past weekend – what concerns me is not the possibility of another world war, but how as a people we are nurturing those things that can lead to it.
At Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV), we are excited to collaborate with Eastman Tourism when we can. Currently, they are helping our region develop experiential tourism.
This past week I had the privilege of attending the Association of Manitoba Museums’ (AMM) annual conference.
It can be argued that you need us museums. Museums like Mennonite Heritage Village can expand your mind, provide a great venue for multi-generational interaction, care for your well-being and more.