It goes without saying that Pioneer Days is a signature festival for both Mennonite Heritage Village and the surrounding community. We enjoy serving guests from here in the Southeast and beyond.
After my Dad retired from being a lineman at MTS, he became a Mennonite Heritage Village volunteer. His “schtick” was to make rope at the festival events.
At Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV), we collect and exhibit objects that help us tell the story of Russian-descendant Mennonites.
When I started my job at Mennonite Heritage Village in 2009 I was introduced to five women who volunteered as our receptionists, each taking on that role one day a week.
I tend to be more personally involved with the business side of our facility than with the “museum” side of things, except to say that I am always proud of the work that our Curatorial staff does with setting our annual theme and putting together very high-quality exhibits.
Our Waldheim House restoration project is nearing completion! As mentioned in previous posts, the logs, ceiling, roof structure, and interior of the house were restored over the winter by local contractor Walls that Speak.
On Saturday, July 1, Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV) will host our annual Canada Day festival in collaboration with the City of Steinbach.
In September 2015, Mennonite Heritage Village rolled out our continuing development initiative called Foundations for a Strong Future.
For those of us who grew up on farms and drove tractors that were manufactured before about 1970, last weekend had a lot of nostalgia to offer.
For some of our readers, the words “Heritage Classic” will immediately bring to mind our annual golf tournament, the Heritage Classic Golf Tournament.