This coming Sunday, June 11, from 11am to 5pm, the Southeast Implement Collectors will be staging their vintage tractor show at Mennonite Heritage Village in Steinbach.
The Winnipeg Blue Bombers are in the process of hosting tryouts for their team. The rookies arrived last week and the veterans joined them on Sunday.
On May 19, Mennonite Heritage Village opened the newly arrived traveling exhibit Nice Women Don’t Want the Vote.
Our new event centre, built to replace the big white tent and give us much-improved facilities for programing and community use, served as a very useful overflow facility for our restaurant’s Mother’s Day buffet.
There are two oak trees in our village that are direct descendants of the great Chortitz Oak Tree in Ukraine. One of them, the one you see when you walk out of the Village Centre onto the village street, produces acorns every year.
It’s gearing up to be another busy spring at Mennonite Heritage Village. Despite this week’s snow, we are just about ready for the May 1 opening of our village for another season.
One of the heritage buildings I especially enjoy visiting at Mennonite Heritage Village is the Barkfield School. It’s the public school located just west of the Windmill.
Easter is a harbinger of new life. Maybe that’s why some of our celebrations include baby chicks and bunnies.
Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV) is incorporated in the province of Manitoba and owned by its members. To comply with provincial law and our bylaws, MHV conducts an Annual General Meeting every year at this time.
As we near May 1, the unofficial start date of 2017’s tourist season at Mennonite Heritage Village, I’ve been asking myself why people should care about what MHV has to offer.