We have just received our first donation of the year, a 1753 3 Pfennig coin from Münster, Germany. In 1753 there weren’t any Mennonites in the city of Münster.
It’s unlikely that anyone would be surprised to learn that Mennonite Heritage Village is a member of the Mennonite Historical Society of Canada.
Klaas Reimer built Steinbach’s first General Store in 1884, ten years after the first group of Mennonites arrived in this area.
One of my Christmas gifts this year was a book by Sarah Klassen, The Wittenbergs: A Novel. This 400-page volume is very engaging, as the setting moves from the late 20th century to the early 20th century and back again many times.
After a year of 50th Anniversary celebrations, we had expected that 2015 might be a quieter year, but that was not the case.
Have you ever been asked what your all-time favourite Christmas gift was? Not necessarily from this year or last year, but the gift that you recall with greatest fondness from your past.
Much of the warmth and excitement we experience in anticipating our Christmas celebrations comes out of our Christmas traditions.
Alexandra Kroeger joined our team here at Mennonite Heritage Village in late November as our new Assistant Curator.
Village Books and Gifts, the gift shop at Mennonite Heritage Village is seeing an increase in traffic these days.
This week Mennonite Heritage Village is saying goodbye to a friend and loyal supporter. Mr. Arthur Kroeger passed away on Friday, November 13, at the age of 93.