Sunday, September 13, 2015, was a day that I believe will stick in some people’s minds and be part of their conversations for some time to come.
On Sunday, September 20, Manitobans are invited to participate in the 6th Annual Open Farm Day, an initiative of Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development.
Syria and its refugee crisis have been prominent in the news of late. Because of atrocities taking place in that country, many of its residents have fled to find homes in a number of European countries.
Our last festival of the 2015 season was wonderfully successful. Despite all the rain preceding the event and forecasted for festival day itself, we were blessed with a beautiful sunny day.
While Mennonite Heritage Village earns approximately 60% of its revenue from our own business units, the remaining 40% of our expense budget must be covered through fundraising efforts.
The spectacle of the threshing demonstration, with the steam engine roaring and golden straw flying through the air, sparks interest and a crowd of spectators on festival days at Mennonite Heritage Village.
Volunteers enrich any community. It’s been quite a while since we last wrote about volunteer opportunities at Mennonite Heritage Village.
New donations add to our collection of artifacts and our collection of stories. The stories are often as interesting as the artifacts.
For several years it has been obvious to us that our oldest heritage house, The Waldheim House, has been in need of significant repairs.
Pioneer Days, the Signature Festival of Mennonite Heritage Village, was successful in a number of respects. Attendance at this four-day event was up for the fourth consecutive year.