For the very first time at Mennonite Heritage Village, visitors will get a chance to listen to our newly restored player piano during Pioneer Days!
Healthy organizations spend a significant amount of time anticipating and planning for the future. This planning is likely to be more effective when the leaders of the organization understand and build on its foundations.
The first Mennonites to come from Russia to Canada arrived in Southeastern Manitoba in 1874, in the area then known as the East Reserve and today as the Rural Municipality of Hanover.
When we had to cancel our Spring on the Farm festival on Victoria Day, I made a point of telling people that when I acknowledge that God has created the weather which causes us to cancel such an event, the cancellation doesn’t upset me.
An intriguing new exhibit has recently been assembled in the Gerhard Ens Gallery at Mennonite Heritage Village.
In the six-and-a-half years that I’ve been on staff at Mennonite Heritage Village, we’ve always tended to feel that an attendance of over 2,000 people per day is a good attendance for a festival day.
Swiss Mennonites arrived in Canada long before Confederation. As far back as 1785 these Mennonites were making their way from Pennsylvania to present-day Ontario.
Some artifacts weigh very heavily in my hands, despite being made of cotton and leather.
Last week I spent some time on a friend’s farm just a mile from where I grew up in the Burwalde area between Winkler and Morden.
I planted my vegetable garden last week. It would not feed a large family for many months of winter, but it does provide some fresh produce in summer.