Roger Ginter, our Office Manager and Rentals Administrator is already busy taking bookings for weddings at Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV) in 2014.
Recently arrived at Village Books & Gifts is Royden Loewen’s new book, Village Among Nations: “Canadian” Mennonites in a Transnational World, 1916-2006.
Last week’s film night was a successful event as evidenced by the large number of people attending and by the favourable comments we heard over pie and coffee that evening.
As its name suggests, the Mennonite Historical Society of Canada (MHSC) is made up of organizations who are actively involved in preserving, researching and teaching Mennonite history.
There is some truth to the suggestion that this is a quiet time of year at MHV. The outdoor village is closed, and in Southern Manitoba, this is not prime “tourist” season.
On Sunday morning someone sat down beside me in church and said, “Well, Barry, are you all done with your work now?”
What Christmas traditions are important to you? The Sunday School Christmas Program on Christmas Eve? The turkey dinner at the extended-family gathering?
The Mennonite Heritage Village, as a total project, has been a product of countless hands and hearts that have helped to bring it to fruition.
Everyone knows that the Mennonite Heritage Village provides school programs to thousands of elementary school children every year.
MHV has a wonderful arrangement with a group of local artisans who display and sell their works in the General Store during our “tourist” season.