I remember the first time I saw a purple shrub I was somewhere between confused and impressed. How different! How unique!
Johann S. Friesen and Anna Barkman were married just months before setting sail for Canada as newlyweds, accompanying both their parents.
If recent encampments and protests on university campuses have demonstrated anything, it’s that many of today’s university students are woefully ignorant about Israel and the Israel-Hamas war.
Early in June the Manitoba Legislature spring session will end wrapping up four months of daily committee work, debates and consideration of new legislation brought forward both by the NDP government and members of the opposition.
As unlikely as it may seem there are grapes that can survive here in Manitoba and produce a bountiful crop while they are at it.
The love of a parent, and especially that of a mother, is the closest thing we will find in this life to the love of God – I think.
On August 31, 1874, Heinrich Fast and his wife Charlotte (called Maria) arrived in Québec aboard the Austrian, set to embark for their new home in Manitoba.
While the message still does not resonate with all of us, more and more people are beginning to grow food close to home.
Many years ago, I overheard an elected official from the area who was on the phone with a reporter from Toronto. The Toronto based reporter, before the interview officially began, was trying to get a sense of where Steinbach was in Manitoba.
As spring arrives the early bloomers like cherries, plums, apricots and forsythia are eager to start the season show off. As spring progresses, the spireas and lilacs bloom and the flowering crabapples put out their brilliant display.