At its inception, those who were advocating that Canada should allow for doctor assisted suicide assured policy makers and concerned Canadians that its application would be rarely used and narrowly applied.
The use of alcohol was never an issue in my growing-up years. Being from a poor family with an invalid father, the purchasing of alcohol was never entertained, at least not to my knowledge.
To commemorate this year of Mennonite Heritage Village’s 60th anniversary and the 150th anniversary of Mennonites in Manitoba we will periodically highlight Erin Koop Unger’s intriguing articles about Mennonite people, places, history and literature in Manitoba.
This Spring session of Parliament will likely see Bill S-233 pass the Senate and be tabled for debate in the House of Commons.
While there are many divisive issues it seems these days in politics in Canada and around the world, top among them is the future of the carbon tax.
People have hand-crafted with wool for centuries. The beautiful aspect about traditional handwork is that you don’t need a ton of special skill and expensive equipment to get started.
Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you all had a lovely holiday season. It is officially 2024, and I’m looking forward to all that this year will bring!
As we move past this current cold snap, we have a lot to be thankful for. Our houses are insulated, we have gas, wood and electric furnaces that provide heating throughout our homes and transport that keeps us out of the wind.
My new book Untangling Popular Pro-MAID Arguments: Critical Thinking about Medical Assistance in Dying (in Canada) is now available at Amazon and Hull’s.
On election night last October, Progressive Conservative Party leader Heather Stefanson indicated that she would be stepping down as leader of the Party following a brief transition.