As Canadians continue to struggle with the cost-of-living crisis, Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Government are preparing to hammer Canadians with a second carbon tax.
Last summer as reports grew in Manitoba of victims of violent crime where the accused individual was on bail for a previous violent crime, our Manitoba government began a campaign for bail reform in Canada.
I came across the following article (author not given) on the internet the other day.
Life is full of difficulties. Every person we know, and will ever know, has had to face tough issues. This is what the real world is like.
Let’s talk about the pits, no not the holes in the roads or the rough patches of our lives, I’m talking about pitted fruits.
At Mennonite Heritage Village’s (MHV) Dirk Willems Peace Garden we have a sculpture that tells an amazing story of how an early Anabaptist loved his enemy.
Last week, the Bank of Canada (BOC) announced it was opening a consultation on the potential of developing a central bank digital currency.
The role of elected officials, like all occupations, has its unique pressures, challenges, and rewards.
We’re super excited to announce that we’re back for the 2023 season! We’ve got a new location, a new website (, and more ambitions!
Did you know that Manitoba has its own day?