Our Planet Earth is sending us signals – natural systems are being unbalanced. We have desecrated our beautiful planet Earth, and need to stabilize and renew it.
When the sewing factory closed in Steinbach, supervisor Tina Dyck, decided it was time to ‘retire’ and volunteer at Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV). She was 64 years old at the time.
In recent weeks, Canadians have heard a lot about alleged Chinese interference in the 2019 and 2021 elections, and about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s possible complicity in covering it up.
Over the past several years a number of steps have been taken to better coordinate policing in Manitoba. While our province has a relatively small population compared to other provinces, it is large in size and has several different policing agencies covering that vast area.
If you decided to raise backyard chickens this year, you may be starting with chicks. Starting chicks stands as the most challenging aspect of backyard chickens, and proper preparation is key to success.
The adage ‘look both ways before crossing the street’ reminds us that it is good to be aware of our surroundings before venturing out.
I am reading a book called “How to Fix the Future”. Andrew Keen, the author of the book, says that indeed the future is going to be broken if we humans do not consciously intervene.
Last Friday, Ministers of Justice and Attorney Generals from across Canada were in Ottawa to meet with the federal Minister of Justice seeking changes to make bail more difficult for repeat violent offenders.
Just going for a walk is to a certain extent a great experience. I cannot help marvel at all the beauty of nature and the human activities.
Recently I told you about the Black Hills Spruce and how they are tougher and faster growing than most varieties, followed by the stunning Crystal Blue Spruce with its incredible colour and great form.