If you were looking for long seasoned flowers, we have three different families of shrubs as options. Only two will tolerate locations with full sun and just one that also tolerates wind exposure and extreme cold. Potentillas.
Abraham S. Friesen is a name that should resonate with any long-time Steinbach resident. He and his children would go on to hold many prominent positions in the community and leave a legacy of businesses that lasts to this day.
For many in today’s TikTok world, awareness of news is limited to mere headlines. Instead of carefully reading reports, screen-fatigued people tend merely to scroll from one headline to the next.
Why plant a currant you may ask? Well, one reason would be that currants are some of the most easy to grow plants available in Manitoba.
Peter Toews joined the Kleine Gemeinde upon marrying Elisabeth Reimer, daughter of Abraham F. and Elisabeth Reimer, a couple who were prominent in the development of Steinbach.
This is an important year in our community. It was 150 years ago this month, July 1874, the first party of Mennonites left Russia to come to Manitoba.
In the hours after the shocking news of the assassination attempt on former U.S. President Donald Trump, there was a unified expression across party lines of gratefulness that Mr. Trump was not seriously injured.
Marcus Aurelius was one of the most respected Roman Emperors ruling from 161-180 AD. He was born into a prominent wealthy family and had the opportunity of a good education.
Johann was a brother of Klaas Reimer of Wirtschaft 9 and 10, and he and his wife Anna travelled alongside other family members on the journey to Canada.
Manitoba patients waiting for much needed cataract surgeries are wondering why the NDP government is putting politics before their needs after learning that hundreds of surgeries are being postponed.