A 33-year-old Long Plain First Nation woman was recently arrested and charged for breaching conditions and threatening RCMP officers, stemming from a dispute that occurred at a Portage la Prairie residence.

Portage la Prairie RCMP recently responded to a dispute on 18th Street Northwest in Portage la Prairie. When officers arrived on scene, a female fled out of the residence. It was determined the female was breaching conditions, and subsequently an officer chased the female on foot and arrested her nearby.

Police say that the 33-year-old female, from Long Plain First Nation, was placed in the back of the police vehicle. At this time, the female became very aggressive and threatened to spit on the officers, indicating she had a communicable disease. She then proceeded to spit in the back of the police vehicle towards officers.

RCMP report that the female has been charged with uttering threat to cause bodily harm and failure to comply.

“Our officers face dangerous situations every day while doing their job,” said Inspector Paul Peddle, Officer in Charge of Portage la Prairie RCMP. “One might not immediately think of spitting as a danger faced by officers, but it is, as they often have to come into very close contact with suspects and the health of officers can be very much at risk. In this case, the suspect clearly stated she had a communicable disease and proceeded to spit at the officers. The charge associated with her actions reflects that we take this type of threat to officer safety very seriously.”