Statistics Canada’s report on the Consumer Price Index was just released, showing on an annual basis across all the provinces, Manitoba had the lowest inflation rate in the country in 2024 at 1.1 per cent.

“Our government is focused on making life more affordable for Manitobans,” said Finance Minister Adrien Sala. “This report shows that our plan is working, as Manitoba had the lowest inflation rate in 2024 across Canada. The gas tax holiday helped ensure Manitobans had more money in their pockets to help afford things like their mortgage and groceries, and with a permanent cut to the gas tax and a hydro rate freeze in 2025, Manitobans can remain confident our government is doing everything we can to make life as affordable as possible.”

Lower gasoline prices, driven by the provincial fuel tax holiday, contributed to this slowdown, noted the minister. A permanent cut to the fuel tax was instated on Jan. 1, which was a 10 per cent reduction to the fuel tax rate previously in place.

The 2024 annual Canadian average inflation rate was 2.4 per cent.