A large quantity of liquor and drugs was recently seized by local RCMP after responding to a call for assistance in Oxford House, Manitoba. The incident lead to the arrest of three suspects.

Oxford House RCMP recently received a call to assist First Nation Safety Officers (FNSO) and a Band Constable at a residence located in the community. When officers arrived on scene, they were advised the residence was not supposed to be occupied and there were currently two males, and one female inside from outside the community.

Police say that after an initial investigation on scene, officers arrested a 25-year-old male from Winnipeg, along with a 35-year-old male and 33-year-old female from Bunibonibee. A subsequent search of the residence produced two loaded handguns, illicit drugs, and over 200 bottles of liquor with a community value estimated at $64,000.

RCMP report that 25-year-old Brendon Valiquette has been charged with 15 offences including failing to comply with a probation order x2, as well as numerous weapons and firearm charges. 33-year-old Elizabeth Bradburn has been charged with eight offences, including possession of a firearm when knowing possession is unauthorized, and possession of cocaine. 35-year-old Tyler Grieves has been charged with 10 offences, including weapons possession contrary to order and failing to surrender to authorization.

Oxford House RCMP, along with Manitoba Integrated Law Enforcement Team, and the Crime Reduction Enforcement Support Team continue to investigate this incident.