A recent road closure on Reimer Avenue in Steinbach will not be closed this morning, January 30, and has been delayed due to the extreme cold weather – the closure plan is now being extended to include February 1 to complete the work.

The City says that the during the road closure, Manitoba Hydro will be replacing existing underground cables and a new dip pole. A significant amount of equipment is required for this project making the closure necessary to ensure the safety of the public and workers while the work is being completed.

The project began on January 29 and will now continue through to February 1st from 7am to 3:30pm each day. Reimer Avenue will be closed from Henry Street to Hanover Street to all but local traffic. The sidewalk will also be unavailable.

The City notes that Reimer Avenue will be open after 3:30pm until 7am each day of construction.