Over 2,000 volunteers are expected to participate at the 14th annual Pick up and Walk clean-up event, taking place in Steinbach on Saturday, May 4th.

“Last year was a stellar year for this event in every way, with over 2,000 volunteers, which was up by 350 from the previous year, with a record 28 churches and groups participating,” explains Grace Hiebert, organizer of the event. “It is an amazing site to see 2,000 people of all ages banding together picking up many tons of garbage in just three hours and all in a city of only 15,000 people.”

Last year, over 2,000 people picked up 10.39 tons of garbage in Steinbach, saving the City approximately $80,000. The event is organized through many of the Steinbach Churches with a Church leader recruiting volunteers in his or her Church. Many local businesses donate funds to cover expenses or supply food for the barbecue at the end of the event.

“The Pick up and Walk event is a fantastic way to serve our community in a very practical, hands-on kind of way,” said Jason Heide, Pick up and Walk Coordinator for the Steinbach Evangelical Mennonite Church. “It’s been a great way to teach our children and youth the value of serving together by caring for our community and the environment. It’s one of the best family service opportunities available.”

To get involved in the event, sign up at your local Steinbach Church or come to the T.G. Smith Arena in Steinbach on Saturday, May 4th at 9am. Everyone is welcome to participate. Steinbach’s Mayor, Earl Funk, will be kicking off the event and a thank-you, complimentary barbeque lunch will be provided at the arena at noon. Motorists are encouraged to exercise caution during the event and be mindful of the many people in the yellow Pick up and Walk t-shirts in and around the City.