The City of Steinbach’s Emergency Operations Centre now has 14 laptops to help streamline processes and communication during an emergency thanks to TC Energy. The laptops and operating software were donated as part of the Community Investment grant program. The computers are needed to access an emergency management application.
“The laptops allow each of our EOC Team members to input and see information in real time which is very helpful during an event,” said Denis Vassart, Municipal Emergency Coordinator for the City. “Prior to this we would rely on one person updating all information on one overhead screen or even paper notes being passed around.”
In addition to keeping the EOC up-to-date, requests for assistance from provincial resources are also streamlined, as they too have access to the same emergency management application to monitor events. Furthermore, the laptops provide a new possibility for EOC Team members to work remotely.
“We’ve had a couple of meetings already to try out the laptops and train our members,” said Vassart. “So far it has gone very well and we can see the benefits of everyone having their own computer to follow event developments and give updates about their duties.”
The City of Steinbach thanks TC Energy for their generous donation and EOC Team Members for volunteering their time to plan and prepare Steinbach for an emergency.