Week one of the RCMP Holiday Checkstop Program, from December 2, to December 12, 2016, has resulted in numerous charges.
- 3774 vehicles were checked across Manitoba during 86 Checkstops
- 33 people were charged with a Criminal Code Impaired Driving offence (all alcohol related)
- The highest blood/alcohol reading reported was 350 mgs% (0.350)
- Fourteen alcohol-related and two drug-related tiered administrative roadside suspensions
Other stats from week one of the 2016/2017 program include:
- 662 other traffic-related provincial statute (Highway Traffic Act) charges laid
- 15 Liquor & Gaming Control Act (LGCA) offences
- 8 other Criminal Code driving offences
There was one traffic-related fatality during the past week near Wabowden. The cause is still under investigation.
Last year during week one, there was one traffic-related fatality. RCMP members conducted 67 Checkstops – checking 3568 vehicles resulting in 25 people being charged with Criminal Code Impaired Driving offences.