This holiday season the Consumer Protection Office of Manitoba Justice would like to remind Manitobans that, under the Consumer Protection Act, consumers have the right to warranty coverage on the goods and services they buy.

All retail sales come with an implied warranty that assumes goods and services will reasonably meet consumer’s expectations. Goods and services may also come with full or limited warranties, and retailers often sell optional extended warranties for an extra fee. Extended warranties may prolong the warranty coverage period, broaden the number of defects covered or include repair costs.

In Manitoba, the seller is responsible for all duties, liabilities, obligations and warranties applicable to purchased goods or services. If the seller has to send an item away for repair or replacement within the warranty period, the cost of shipping and other incidentals cannot be charged to the consumer. The consumer must receive a written record of all repairs or replacements made.

Manitobans can shop with peace of mind this holiday season by remembering these warranty tips:

  • ask the seller about warranty coverage before purchasing a good or service;
  • get all warranty details in writing, and if considering purchasing an item outside of Manitoba, have the seller confirm in writing the warranty is valid in Manitoba;
  • make sure to understand all costs, terms and conditions related to the warranty coverage;
  • keep all receipts as proof of purchase for making warranty claims; and
  • contact the seller immediately regarding a good or service that is not performing as expected as warranties are only effective for a specified period of time.

The Consumer Protection Office administers Manitoba’s consumer protection legislation including laws related to warranties. More information about warranties and guarantees is available online.