Over the course of the summer, conservation officers have supported the wildfire suppression efforts but have also been involved in multiple situations where enforcement action was required to support the fire and travel restrictions imposed. To date, during this period of extreme fire risk, officers issued a total of 149 charges and 60 warnings under the Wildfires Act.
Travel and burn restrictions are put in place to prevent human-caused wildfires in remote areas as well as to protect people from wildfires. An additional 49 charges and 41 warnings were issued for individuals entering a wildfire restriction area and having fires outside the allowed burning times of 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.
Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development does not invoke fire and travel restrictions lightly but needs cooperation in order to reduce the risk of further fires or loss of life if someone is trapped by a wildfire. Manitobans are asked to please respect all road closures and travel restrictions.
For information on fire status, maps, travel restrictions, burning permit cancellations or other restrictions, go to gov.mb.ca.