Manitoba Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler announced that the Manitoba government is taking steps to replace Lindsay X-Lite Approach Guardrail systems currently in place on provincial roadways.

“Our government places great importance on road safety and continuously reviews potential safety concerns that impact Manitobans on our highways,” said Schuler. “After completing a review of the installation and use of the 171 X-Lite Guardrail Systems across the province, it was determined that these should be replaced to ensure greater safety on our roads.”

Safety concerns regarding the usage of the X-Lite Guardrail End Treatment Systems were brought forward to multiple government agencies across North America, resulting in the systems being withdrawn from the market by its manufacturer.

Manitoba Infrastructure completed a review of the use of Lindsay X-Lite Approach Guardrails Systems on the province’s highways and determined that a two-year program to remove and replace the devices should be implemented. The department has since developed a program to do so, at an estimated cost of $1.5 million.

The province has engaged with other jurisdictions where these types of barriers either have been removed or will soon be removed to ensure the safety of all motorists on provincial roads, noted Schuler.