Steinbach MLA and Justice Minister Kelvin Goertzen, announced that the Manitoba government, through the Criminal Property Forfeiture (CPF) unit, will donate six houses forfeited as proceeds of crime in Winnipeg’s Point Douglas neighbourhood for development by interested non-profit and Indigenous organizations to build affordable housing units for low-income families.

“Our government will be providing more affordable housing in the Point Douglas neighbourhood by allowing for the redevelopment of six single-family homes obtained through the CPF unit,” said Goertzen. “These properties were used to support illicit drug activity and crime in the area, but will soon benefit the neighbourhood by being donated and converted into needed housing for families while contributing to community renewal.”

“Manitoba Housing has issued a negotiated request for proposals to identify a non-profit or Indigenous-housing organization to turn these properties into affordable housing units,” said Families Minister Rochelle Squires. “This will provide more opportunities for affordable home ownership and help strengthen families and communities.”

Manitoba Housing is managing the properties until the transfer is complete, with its department staff responsible for ongoing maintenance, inspections and security, the ministers noted, adding in the event that a successful proponent proposes demolition and rebuild on the home sites, the CPF unit will work with the proponent on demolition costs.

The successful non-profit or Indigenous-housing provider will be required to follow Manitoba Housing’s Affordable Housing Program income limits for Winnipeg, whereby eligible homebuyers must have a total household income of not more than $84,600.

“The seizure and donation of these houses is a significant payback for the harm alleged drug dealers have done to north Point Douglas,” said Sel Burrows, co-ordinator, Point Powerline. “Special thanks to the brave residents who said no to drug dealing. Seizure of property is an important consequence for criminal activity.”

Only non-profit or Indigenous organizations will be eligible to submit proposals. Manitoba Housing will use a competitive project selection process to ensure the most appropriate and viable project is selected. Further details on the proposal process can be found online at

Since its inception in 2009, the Criminal Property Forfeiture Fund has distributed more than $26 million back to communities throughout Manitoba. The program seizes and liquidates criminal assets, and redirects funding to projects and initiatives designed to protect Manitobans and enhance public safety. The funds are provided to organizations across Manitoba whose important initiatives continue to build community, prevent crime and invest in youth and support victims of crime.