Following significant rainfall accumulations and storm conditions in the community this week, the City of Steinbach is investigating whether this abnormal rainfall event will qualify for the Province of Manitoba’s Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) program.

Property owners and residents who experienced uninsurable storm related damages are asked to follow the advice provided at and complete an application form to request disaster financial assistance funding. Manitoba will use this information to determine if a financial assistance program will be declared for Steinbach.

The City is asking residents that have experienced property damage as a result of recent heavy rainfalls, to:

  • Take pictures of the damages and any repairs you make
  • Keep detailed records of any repairs (invoices for labour, materials, contracted work, etc.)
  • Contact your insurance provider to verify whether the damages are eligible for insurance. If a DFA program is established, you will need to have your insurance provider complete an Insurance Declaration Form (found on the Province’s website)
  • Fill out an application for Disaster Financial Assistance at or contact Manitoba EMO at 1-888-
    267-8298 to request a paper or electronic copy of a DFA application

Through the evening and night of Monday, September 16 and the morning of Tuesday, September 17, 2024, the City experienced a significant rainfall event. According to Manitoba Agriculture, more than five inches of rain fell over Steinbach during this period.

Due to the saturated ground conditions, and the amount of rain that fell during this time, the City experienced significant overland storm water flows in all neighborhoods. Open drainage channels, creeks, and ditches throughout the City were either at capacity or over capacity and spilling over their banks. The City’s gravity sewer system and facilities were fully functional and were operating at capacity during and until well after the storm event. As of late Tuesday evening, the City’s sewer system returned to normal operating levels.

“We understand the difficulties faced by our community and are committed to providing support throughout this recovery process,” says Adam Thiessen, Corporate Services Manager for the City of Steinbach. “Thank you for your cooperation and assistance as we work together to recover from this rare weather event.”

For further information about Disaster Financial Assistance, please visit For all City updates, please visit