A total of 112 warnings and 58 tickets were issued for the week of April 26 to May 2, including 42 $1,296 tickets to individuals for various offences, 12 $298 tickets to individuals for failure to wear a mask in indoor public places and four $5,000 tickets to businesses.
Officials advise 33 of the 42 $1,296 tickets issued were in relation to gatherings in private residences or outdoors and nine tickets issued for failure to self-isolate.
Manitobans are reminded that public health officials are following up with the public to ensure compliance with self-isolation requirements.
Enforcement officials investigate all public health order violations they are made aware of including large gatherings and rallies. Officials were present at rallies in Winnipeg and Winkler this past weekend and the Winnipeg Law Courts yesterday. As noted in this weeks’ statistics, 20 tickets have been issued for a rally at The Forks in Winnipeg on April 25.
In addition, enforcement officials advise that two tickets have been issued from a rally in Winkler on May 1 and four tickets from a rally at the Winnipeg Law Courts on May 3. These fines will be included in next week’s enforcement data as they were issued after May 2. Investigations continue for all events and additional charges are expected. Officials advise the choice to defy public health orders is a serious offence and violators will be held to account.
Manitobans are urged to continue reporting compliance and enforcement issues by visiting manitoba.ca and completing the reporting form, or by calling 204-945-3744 or (toll-free) 1-866-626-4862 and pressing option three on the call menu.
Officials advise that security personnel from Commissionaires Manitoba are now greeting all travellers arriving at the Winnipeg International Airport to advise on Manitoba’s self-isolation requirements, distribute public health materials and answer basic questions about public health orders.
Officials note that many Manitobans are doing their part to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and are following the fundamentals. However, education and enforcement remain necessary in some instances. The public is reminded that abusive and aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated, and criminal offences will be reported to police and investigated.
Almost 3,300 personnel across various agencies are empowered to enforce public health orders to protect Manitobans. This includes RCMP, law enforcement agencies, provincial employees and municipal partners, such as the City of Winnipeg.
Since enforcement efforts began in April 2020, a total of 4,008 warnings and 1,294 tickets have been issued, resulting in nearly $1.8 million in fines to businesses and individuals.
Updated enforcement statistics are posted online weekly at manitoba.ca.
Additional data related to COVID-19, including data on enforcement, vaccines, outbreaks as well as some downloadable and historic data, can be found at geoportal.gov.mb.ca.
In addition to a $298 fine for not wearing a mask in indoor public places, fine amounts for violating public health orders have been set at $1,296 for tickets issued to individuals, including sole proprietorships and partnerships, and $5,000 for tickets issued to corporations.
The Manitoba government is taking strong action to protect Manitobans and ensure timely access to care.
Some public health orders remain in effect and Manitobans are reminded to adhere to all current public health orders and stay home. Stick to the fundamentals of physical distancing, hand washing and wearing a mask. For more information on COVID-19 in Manitoba, visit manitoba.ca.
For information about activities designed to make staying home a little easier, visit Safe at Home Manitoba at safeathomemb.ca.