Steinbach RCMP are currently investigating a recent theft incident where a quantity of gas was stolen from the Esso station in Steinbach.
Southern Health-Santé Sud has announced that BreastCheck’s mobile mammography vehicle will be in Steinbach from June 10 to July 5, 2019.
Steinbach RCMP are asking the public to help identify two suspects who were recently involved in the theft of a cell phone at the McDonald’s restaurant located on Highway 12 North in Steinbach.
The City of Steinbach is reporting that the tennis courts, located at the corner of Third Street and Lumber Avenue, will soon be having pickleball lines added to accommodate more entertainment options for local residents.
The City of Steinbach has announced that they will be accepting sealed bids for the purchase and removal of the house located at 385 Elmdale Street in Steinbach, Manitoba.
The Steinbach Arts Council has announced that the 2019 KR Barkman Concerts in the Park series is starting on Friday, June 7.
Steinbach RCMP recently apprehended 43-year-old John David Lemke after two Canada wide warrants were issued for his arrest.
At the annual spring convention this past May, District 64 Toastmasters handed out the George Craigie Memorial Award to Steinbach entrepreneur Mike Lynes.
Steinbach RCMP are reporting that three individuals are facing charges after being caught stealing groceries at a local store.
Steinbach RCMP are reporting that a Winnipeg man, who was was unlawfully at large, was recently apprehended at a Steinbach hotel.