Steinbach RCMP are currently undertaking a search in the RM of Reynolds for 37-year-old Joshua Bert Ross from Richer, Manitoba.
The City of Steinbach Storm Ready Team is seeking up to six volunteers to act as weather spotters in times of severe weather, such as a tornado or severe thunder storm.
Some unique items are being hung-up along Steinbach’s Main Street starting this week. Hockey sticks and skates are being displayed from Brandt Street to Lumber Avenue to promote the Rogers Hometown Hockey Festival coming to Steinbach’s T.G. Smith Arena on March 9 and 10, 2019.
Steinbach RCMP are currently investigating a vehicle theft incident that occurred at a location near Giroux, Manitoba.
Thanks to a scoring outburst of five points in two games, Steinbach Pistons’ Kyle Bettens has been named the Recycle Everywhere MJHL Player of the Week.
Steinbach RCMP are asking the public for any information connected to a recent theft incident that occurred at the Winners store in Steinbach, Manitoba.
St. Pierre-Jolys RCMP are asking the public for any information into the whereabouts of a missing female youth, 16-year-old Selena Symone French.
Steinbach RCMP are asking the public to help identify two suspects involved in a recent theft incident that occurred at the Winners store in Steinbach.
Steinbach Mayor Earl Funk is giving local residents an opportunity to discuss their thoughts with a personal one on one meeting at Steinbach City Hall.
A recent road closure on Reimer Avenue in Steinbach will not be closed this morning, January 30, and has been delayed due to the extreme cold weather – the closure plan is now being extended to include February 1 to complete the work.