The City of Steinbach has announced that it is moving ahead with plans for Food Truck Fair this summer and is looking for food truck operators interested in participating.
Steinbach RCMP have arrested three individuals connected to an assault incident that occurred outside of the Marchand Hotel in August of 2020.
Due to this spring’s dry conditions and the current weather forecast, the RM of Hanover has implemented a fire ban for the entire municipality, effective 12pm Thursday, April 8, 2021.
The City of Steinbach will be accepting sealed bids for the purchase and removal of the house at 340 Hanover Street in Steinbach, Manitoba. The sale will require the removal of the building.
Ted Falk, MP for Provencher, Ron Schuler, MLA for Springfield-Ritchot, and Chris Ewen, Mayor of Ritchot, are calling on Manitobans to pull together to support St. Adolphe’s bid to be proclaimed Canada’s Kraft Hockeyville.
Steinbach RCMP are currently investigating the recent theft of a Dodge pickup truck which was stolen from a local residence located on McKenzie Avenue in Steinbach.
Steinbach RCMP are currently investigating a recent shoplifting incident that occurred at a convenience store located on Main Street in Steinbach, Manitoba.
Steinbach will be receiving provincial funding to address the housing needs of vulnerable Manitobans and help protect them through affordable housing initiatives. Grant funding will be split up between 10 municipalities throughout the province and will total $12 million.
Steinbach RCMP are asking the public for any information regarding a vehicle that was recently stolen from a location on Westdale Street in Steinbach, Manitoba.
RCMP have arrested Karlton Reimer of Steinbach in connection to a double homicide that occurred at a residence located on River Road in the Rural Municality of Tache, Manitoba.