The City of Steinbach has announced that is postponing its Canada Day celebration which usually takes place July 1. The tentative postponement date is Sunday, September 6, 2020.
Steinbach RCMP are currently investigating the theft of two ATVs that were recently stolen near Richer and Highway 12, near Hanover Road.
Steinbach RCMP are asking the public for any information that may be connected to a number of small fires that occurred at a local soccer field and walking path near Southland Church in Steinbach.
Following provincial guidelines, Hanover School Division (HSD) has announced a limited reopening of schools within the division beginning June 1, 2020.
Steinbach RCMP are currently investigating a recent theft incident where an ATV was stolen from a residence located in Steinbach.
The City of Steinbach has announced that as of 7am on Monday, May 25, 2020, spring road weight restrictions will no longer be in effect.
Steinbach RCMP have announced that the 2020 bicycle registration initiative has begun. Local bicycle owners can now register their bicycles through the Steinbach RCMP Detachment in hopes that more stolen bicycles are returned to their owners.
In consultation with the Manitoba School Boards Association, Hanover School Division (HSD) has reopened play structures, swings, and nature playgrounds.
Steinbach RCMP recently seized a large quantity of bikes and related parts resulting from the execution of a search warrant at a local residence in Steinbach.
Steinbach RCMP are asking the public for any information into the whereabouts of two missing men, 24-year-old Dwayne McKay and 22-year-old Damon Shabaquay.