Glenn Friesen, CEO, Steinbach Credit Union, announced plans to support members who are experiencing financial hardship caused by the global spread of COVID-19.
Steinbach RCMP are currently investing a recent vandalism incident where two vehicles were spray painted on a local driveway.
Falcon Beach RCMP recently responded to a fatal two-vehicle collision at a location on Highway 1 in Whiteshell Provincial Park.
Southern Health-Santé Sud has announced that Acute Care facilities in the region will not allow visitors at this time to reduce the health risk of COVID-19 in our communities.
Steinbach RCMP are currently investigating a report of a suspicious truck that was reported to have been near the Woodlawn Elementary School located at 411 Henry Street in Steinbach.
Public health officials have announced that the COVID-19 testing site in Steinbach is now open at the Community Health Services Building, located at 365 Reimer Avenue in Steinbach.
Steinbach RCMP are reporting that a quantity of copper wire was recently stolen from a Manitoba Hydro station located in the Rural Municipality of La Broquerie.
The City of Steinbach has announced updated information regarding services and hours of operation.
Public health officials advise the total number of lab-confirmed positive and presumptive positive cases in Manitoba remains at 15 at this time.
Steinbach RCMP are currently investigating the recent theft of two Arctic Cat snowmobiles and a trailer.