Steinbach RCMP are asking the public for any information that may help identify three suspects involved in a credit card theft incident that occurred this past August.
Steinbach RCMP are reporting that more than half of all drivers who recently drove through the intersection at Loewen Avenue and Henry Street in Steinbach, during a 1.5 hour time span, did not stop lawfully.
The Province of Manitoba has just announced that it is making improvements to flood infrastructure in the Niverville area.
The City of Steinbach has launched a new online public mapping service that helps businesses and developers find available land and allow residents to easily access basic property data.
The City of Steinbach is once again looking very festive as a host of LED lights shine bright throughout the community for all to enjoy.
There are nearly 8,000 vehicle/deer collisions yearly in Manitoba, with the Eastman Region topping Manitoba Public Insurance’s Top 5 list for high-collision regions.
Steinbach RCMP are asking the public for any information that may be connected to a number of recent bicycle thefts.
Steinbach RCMP are asking the public for any information that may help identify a suspect responsible for a recent tire slashing incident that occurred at a local residence located on Kroeker Avenue in Steinbach.
Steinbach RCMP are currently investigating numerous reports of mischief and thefts to vehicles located throughout the City of Steinbach.
Only one month after launching its largest ever fundraising campaign, Bethesda Foundation has now reached the $10.5 million mark.