Scientists with the Western College of Veterinary Medicine are exploring the effects of early life management strategies in pigs on reducing stress and improving lifetime productivity.
Manitoba Agriculture reports harvest progress across the province was slowed by rain this past week but remains head of the long-term average.
The Swine Health Information Center is exploring the potential of using tongue tips as a diagnostic tool to identify and track emerging diseases.
A livestock handling specialist with J Woods Livestock Services says tremendous progress has been made over the past 25 years in the area of animal handling.
The Swine Health Information Center is inviting input from all pork sector stakeholders as it completes the development of its 2024 plan of work.
Manitoba Agriculture reports 85 percent of this year’s crop has now been harvested. Dennis Lange, a pulse and soybean specialist with Manitoba Agriculture and editor of the provincial crop report, says provincially the harvest now sits at 85 percent complete with most of the cereals wrapped up.
Agriculture in the Classroom-Manitoba (AITC-M) recently welcomed critical multi-year funding from another commodity partner, as Manitoba Egg Farmers (MEF) have pledged $75,000 over three years to support AITC-M and its mission of agriculture education.
The Swine Health Information Center is encouraging pork producers to familiarize themselves with USDA’s newly updated African Swine Fever Response plan.
Manitoba Agriculture reports, despite highly variable crop yields this year, crop quality has been good. Anne Kirk, a provincial cereal crop specialist with Manitoba Agriculture, says rain did slow things up.
Manitoba Agriculture reports the fall cereal and field pea harvests are complete, the spring cereals are close to complete and growers are moving into the soybean, canola and dry bean harvests.