Manitoba Agriculture reports recent rainfall has helped encourage improved crop growth.
The Board of Directors of Manitoba Beef Producers have recently announced the hiring of Carson Callum to the position of general manager.
The President of The Maschhoffs suggests, while the use of gene editing offers the potential to take control of African Swine Fever, the technology may not be readily available to U.S. pork producers.
Keystone Agricultural Producers, the voice of farmers in Manitoba, will be advocating for the major issues that face the agriculture industry during the upcoming provincial election campaign, president Bill Campbell announced.
The Canadian pork sector is hoping for a speedy resolution of a situation which has resulted in the suspension of exports of Canadian pork and beef to China.
The National Pork Producers Council warns proposed U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations governing the use of gene editing technology in livestock will render American livestock producers less competitive in the global market.
The Executive Director of the Swine Health Information Center says U.S. veterinarians are reporting sporadic increases in the number of cases of neurological diseases in swine.
Manitoba Agriculture reports, with spring planting virtually compete, more rain and more consistent heat is needed to maximize yield potential.
Manitoba Agriculture reports crop development across the province has been quite variable due to spotty soil moisture conditions.
Farm Credit Canada is contributing $100,000 to school meal programs across Canada as part of FCC Drive Away Hunger.