The Prairie Swine Centre has launched a review of its strategic plan. To make sure the Prairie Swine Centre remains connected to the needs of the swine industry in Canada, it’s reviewing its strategic plan.
The Committee Member in charge of the 2018 Prairie Livestock Expo Pork Quality Competition says Manitoba charities and food banks will once again benefit from the event.
The Chair of Manitoba Pork says the Manitoba Swine infrastructure Development Corporation is proving helpful to those considering building new swine production facilities.
Manitoba Pork says the quicker information on new Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea outbreaks is shared, the more effective the response will be.
Manitoba Pork reports the effort to rid the province of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea continues to make progress.
Manitoba Agriculture’s Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation would like to notify livestock producers about an upcoming change to the Western Livestock Price Insurance Program.
Farm Credit Canada suggests, over the long term, the fundamentals of supply and demand tend to be the primary factor that will influence profitability on the farm.
The Human Resources and Training Coordinator with Manitoba Pork says the growing lack of available farm workers threatens to take a huge bite out of Canada’s economy.
The Director of Risk Management with h@ms Marketing Services says the latest developments on the international trade front come as good news for Canadian pork producers.
Health Canada is advising animal owners, who have not already done so, to establish a veterinary-client relationship.