The General Manager of Manitoba Pork suggests Canada’s implementation of the Comprehensive Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership offers the market assurance necessary for the pork sector to justify long term investments.
Manitoba pork producers welcomed the news that Bill C-79, the implementing legislation for the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), received Royal Assent in the Parliament of Canada.
Manitoba Agriculture reports the 2018 harvest has turned out to be about average in terms of both crop quality and yields.
Lab scale research conducted by the University of Manitoba has shown the use of concrete floor coverings has the potential to improve the foot health of loose housed gestating sows.
The Canadian Pork Council says the federal government’s timely ratification of the 11 nation Comprehensive Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership will ensure Canada is among the first six nations to take full advantage of the benefits of the agreement.
The Manager of Swine Health Programs with Manitoba Pork says producer participation in the Manitoba Coordinated Disease Response is speeding up the response to the spread of disease.
Manitoba Agriculture reports better weather allowed the pace of the harvest to pick up over the past week.
The Western College of Veterinary Medicine is encouraging everyone who can to be vaccinated to protect themselves and their families against influenza.
The National Pork Producers Council is welcoming encouraging developments on the U.S. trade front.
The Veterinary Counsel with the Canadian Pork Council suggests the entire global pork sector has a vested interest in improving the health status of the Chinese swine herd and creating a biosecurity culture.