The Manager of Quality Assurance and Animal Care Programs with Manitoba Pork says Canada’s pork producers have been proactive in preparing for new regulations governing the access and use of veterinary drugs in Canada.
Manitoba Agriculture reports another two solid weeks of warm dry weather will be needed to complete this year’s harvest.
Manitoba Pork is encouraging all of the province’s pork producers to enroll and participate in the Manitoba Coordinated Disease Response.
Despite the new North American Trade Agreement, tariffs on U.S. pork remain an issue for U.S. and Canadian pork producers.
H@ms Marketing Services says the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement has improved confidence in the hog market although it doesn’t address the main tariff issues.
Manitoba Agriculture reports rain and snow over the past week continued to slow harvest progress.
The Manitoba government is calling on the federal government to respect all Manitobans and the Made-In-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan by not forcing an unwanted new federal carbon tax.
Farm Credit Canada is offering support for hog-producing customers facing financial hardship as a result of international trade disputes.
The Vice-President of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute is confident a new trilateral North American trade agreement will help bolster investor confidence in Canada.
The General Manager of Manitoba Pork says the modernized free trade agreement reached by Canada, the United States and Mexico this week, will provide much needed certainty for the Canadian and American pork sectors.