Agriculture in the Classroom-Manitoba (AITC-M) has recently announced a generous three-year funding commitment from Manitoba Chicken Producers (MCP), totaling $60,000.
A veterinary pathologist with the Western College of Veterinary Medicine is encouraging farmers to take steps to minimize the potential exposure of farm animals to migrating birds.
Manitoba Agriculture’s weekly crop report, released earlier this week, indicates planting is now 30 percent complete across the province, up from four percent completed last week and slightly ahead of the five-year average of 29 percent.
Manitoba’s pork producers are calling for the creation of a provincially appointed task group to develop solutions to the algae problem in Lake Winnipeg.
Manitoba Agriculture reports the rain that has slowed spring seeding will give this year’s crops a good start.
Research conducted by North Carolina State University shows effective cleaning and disinfection of swine transport vehicles disrupts the movement of disease.
Manitoba Agriculture’s first crop report of the season indicates an average of two percent of this year crop had been planted across the province before work was interrupted by rain. The report was released on Tuesday, April 30.
The governments of Canada and Manitoba are providing financial support to Manitoba’s Livestock Predation Prevention Program, which supports the adoption of proactive on-farm measures to deter predator attacks.
The General Manager of Manitoba Pork says how retailers respond to new U.S. labelling requirements for meat, poultry and egg products will determine just how disruptive the regulations will be.
The governments of Canada and Manitoba have announced that they are providing financial support to the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair in Brandon, one of Manitoba’s key cultural events.