An Associate Professor in the Department of Veterinary Pathology with the Western College of Veterinary Medicine reports patterns of seasonal flu this past fall and winter have been similar to what is usually seen.
Manitoba continues to prepare for the potential arrival of novel coronavirus, ensuring health-care providers are aware of symptoms and implementing heightened precautions to detect, isolate and test for the virus.
The Manitoba government and Grace Hospital Foundation will invest in enhanced and modernized diagnostic services at Grace Hospital as part of a capital project that will improve patient flow and access to care at the hospital.
The Manitoba government is launching what is believed to be the world’s first social impact bond dedicated to helping people quit smoking.
The Manitoba government continued to make improvements to mental health and addictions services in 2019, including a $25-million-plus boost in the year’s final three months toward new or enhanced programming.
The Manitoba government has announced that it is moving forward with its commitment to redevelop and expand the emergency department at St. Boniface Hospital.
This spring, Manitoba entrepreneurs and businesses will have their first opportunity to compete in the inaugural Manitoba Protein Challenge.
Steinbach MLA and Education Minister Kelvin Goertzen announced that the Manitoba government is investing $4.4 million to enhance access to school-based mental health and addictions supports, beginning in Steinbach, Brandon and Portage la Prairie.
Manitoba will move forward with a comprehensive plan to enhance the availability, quality and reliability of care for patients at home and in the community, including rural and northern residents.
More front-line, full-time paramedics are working in communities across Manitoba, fulfilling the province’s Budget 2019 commitment to further enhancing rural emergency medical services.