The Manitoba government has announced that it is investing $19.6 million in a major bridge crossing to improve Manitoba highways and enhance climate resiliency by reducing the impacts of future floods in southwest Manitoba.
The City of Steinbach is informing the public that starting Monday, November 4, both northbound and southbound traffic on Provincial Trunk Highway 12 (PTH 12) will be redirected to use the southbound lanes south of Loewen Boulevard.
The Manitoba government has announced that it is investing $48.6 million in a major bridge crossing, named after Louis Riel, the first premier of Manitoba, to ensure the safe, efficient movement of people, goods and services.
Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure advises motorists that as part of the ongoing construction at the interchange of Provincial Trunk Highway 100 (Perimeter Highway) and Provincial Road 200 (St. Mary’s Road), traffic has been routed over the newly constructed bridge and the existing traffic signals will be taken out of service.
The Manitoba government is providing more than $39 million to repair and improve highways and culverts throughout Manitoba’s Parkland region.
Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Lisa Naylor, recently announced that the Manitoba government is investing $20.4 million to repair dikes and dams throughout Manitoba.
Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Lisa Naylor, recently announced that the Manitoba government will be providing $49 million to repair roads throughout southern Manitoba.
Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Lisa Naylor, announced that the Manitoba government will be providing $9.1 million to repair the Perimeter Highway this summer.
Manitobans are invited to provide feedback on a functional design study to improve safety at the intersection of the Trans-Canada Highway and Provincial Trunk Highway (PTH) 5 near Carberry.
Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure will be closing the Trans-Canada Highway in the Rural Municipality of Headingley from Provincial Road (PR) 334 to 0.8 kilometres west of PR 334 from June 24 at 6:30am until June 28 at 9pm.