The President of Keystone Agricultural Producers says recent discussions surrounding the potential impact of proposed changes to Canada’s taxation system has resulted in a better understanding within the federal government and within the Canada Revenue Agency of the challenges faced by agriculture.
The President of Keystone Agricultural Producers is encouraging those who will be impacted by the Manitoba government’s proposed Climate and Green Plan to express their opinions and concerns.
Keystone Agricultural Producers and the Manitoba Pork Council welcome the passing of Bill 35 and Bill 24 by the Government of Manitoba on the final sitting day of the current legislative session.
Keystone Agricultural Producers says, by investing proceeds collected through a provincial carbon tax into agriculture, the Manitoba government will be able to maximize farmers’ ability to contribute to greenhouse gas reductions.
Keystone Agricultural Producers is calling on the Manitoba Government to provide certain exemptions for farmers from taxes under a carbon pricing structure and a reinvestment into agriculture of carbon taxes collected for other greenhouse gas emitters.
Keystone Agricultural Producers is generally positive about the federal government’s proposed rail legislation recently announced, because many of the requests made in KAP’s submission during the consultation process have been met.
Manitoba farmers are in the midst of seeding the 2017 crop, and that means they must use public roadways to get their farm equipment to their fields.
Member representatives at a recent Keystone Agricultural Producers advisory council meeting passed a resolution directing KAP to lobby the federal government to keep the regulation that allows for cash deferral of grain tickets (sales).
Keystone Agricultural Producers says the recent budget is good for agriculture but it is disappointed that no move has been made to reform the school tax system.
The President of Keystone Agricultural Producers is calling for farmers to be except from any carbon on the inputs they use to produce food.