The Vice-Chair of Manitoba Pork is encouraging those who have concerns with NAFTA to look at the benefits the agreement has created for agriculture and follow that lead.
The Chair of Manitoba Pork says, in the event the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement collapses, Canada will be in a strong position to move forward with trade deals with individual countries.
The Chair of Manitoba Pork says the Donald Trump presidency and trade were the foremost issues discussed during this week’s trade mission to the Minnesota Pork Congress in Minneapolis.
The Manager of Quality Assurance and Animal Care Programs with Manitoba Pork says minimizing aggression in group housing requires a holistic approach.
The Chair of Manitoba Pork says ensuring consumers are aware of the issues surrounding the production of the food they eat will be a high priority for Manitoba’s pork industry in 2017.
The Chair of Manitoba Pork says improving biosecurity will be among the pork industry’s top priorities during 2017.
The Chair of Manitoba Pork says the outlook for 2017 within the province’s pork industry is optimistic.
The Human Resources and Training Coordinator with Manitoba Pork says as pork production within the province expands and current workers retire, the need for new employees will increase.
Two “Smart Pig Handling” videos, released by Manitoba Pork, have attracted almost 300 thousand views on YouTube.
The Human Resources and Training Coordinator with Manitoba Pork says workers that have come into Manitoba from other countries to fill positions in the province’s pork industry have proved to be valuable employees.